Executive Council Meeting Report

March 2, 2019

The NSSLHA Executive Council (EC) met March 2, 2019, at the ASHA National Office. Here, you’ll find the Summary Report of the meeting.

Executive Council members in attendance were President Teigan Beck, President-Elect Teffany Ventura, Vice President for Finance Kevin Kock, Vice President for Planning Charlotte Miller, Vice President for Academic Affairs Chelsea Woodard, Vice President for Student State Officers (SLP) Aya Khalil, Vice President for Student State Officers (AuD) JJ Whicker, Vice President for Government Relations and Public Policy Michelle D’Mello, Vice President for Audiology Programming Brandon Roppel, Vice President for Speech-Language Pathology Programming Sarah Sadler, and NSSLHA National Advisor Sonja Pruitt-Lord.

NSSLHA Program Manager Sara Mischo, Director of Career Resources Alexis Redmond, ASHA Chief Staff Officer for Operations Kyle Vickers, and ASHA CEO Arlene A. Pietranton were in attendance.

Opening Remarks

The Spring 2019 NSSLHA Executive Council business meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 2, 2019, by President Teigan Beck.

Leadership Development Activity

Miller led a discussion about leadership. Each Executive Council member shared a quote or tip about leadership from one of their mentors, then applied it to real-life situations or moments.

Career Portal Presentation

Redmond presented on early career development and interviewing tips.

Breakout Sessions

Executive Council members participated in various group discussions and work sessions, as well as one-on-one breakout sessions with Redmond for career development and Mischo for social media development.

Beck, Ventura, and Kock discussed a plan for the upcoming National Advisor selection process.

Sleeter, Roppel, and Whicker discussed a plan for onboarding incoming Executive and Regional Council members, and Student State Officers.

Miller, Woodard, Khalil, and D’Mello held a work session to prepare for their NBASLH presentation.

ASHA Update

ASHA Chief Executive Officer Arlene A. Pietranton joined the meeting to discuss the current state of ASHA.

Takeaways Discussion

Executive Council members discussed the brainstorming ideas and outcomes of their earlier discussions and work sessions.

Team Building Activity

Beck led a team building activity with all Executive Council members.

NSSLHA Leadership Structure Discussion

Pruitt-Lord, Whicker, and Khalil led a discussion about the current structure of the Vice President for Student State Officer and Regional Councilor positions, and possible options for these positions moving forward; as well as the pros and cons for electing Executive and Regional Council positions through a member vote versus a slate.

Goals Structure Discussion

Beck and Ventura led a discussion about the current NSSLHA goals structure, as well as ideas for 2019 goals.

Check Our Biases

Pruitt-Lord led a discussion about why it’s important for everyone to reflect on their biases and how they might influence reactions and decisions. 

Closing Remarks

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 2, 2019.

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