Tips for Successful Chapters

We know your NSSLHA chapter has a lot going on—and we want you to be successful! While the following tips aren't required, they may be helpful to remember throughout the year.

Make It Official

Affiliate With National NSSLHA

By being an affiliated National NSSLHA chapter, you'll be given official logos for chapter use on marketing and communication materials, be in-the-know about programs and activities happening at the National level, have access to National support, and be eligible to apply for Chapter Honors.

Chapters must renew their affiliation with National NSSLHA every year (we recommend at the beginning of the academic calendar) and whenever there is a change in the chapter's student leadership. Not affiliated? Affiliate now!

Become Recognized at Your School

Contact your school's student activities office—most have a process for applying for university recognition. Once your chapter is recognized, you may be able to request money from the student government to help fund special projects, like subsidizing the cost for a speaker or assisting with student travel expenses for a conference presentation.

Start Before the Academic Year Begins

Elect Officers Early

Consider electing officers at the end of the spring semester so they have the summer months to plan for the upcoming academic year.

Hold Frequent Leadership Meetings

Hold frequent chapter leadership meetings during the summer or early in the semester to establish goals and activities for the academic year.

Get to Know Chapter Members

Hold Office Hours

If you don’t have a designated office for your chapter, find a meeting room that you can reserve regularly so chapter members can stop by to chat.

Identify Engaged Members

Knowing who your active chapter members are will allow you to be more productive in planning activities throughout the academic year.

Foster Leadership

Encourage leadership within all levels of your chapter—board members and chapter members can:


Encourage students to seek mentorship from fellow students, faculty, and professionals.

  • Seniors and juniors mentor sophomores and freshmen.
  • Graduate students mentor undergraduate students.
  • Faculty members mentor students with similar professional interests.
  • Professionals within the community mentor graduate and undergraduate students.
  • Volunteer at ASHA Convention or state-level conventions.
  • Join an ASHA Special Interest Group with National NSSLHA membership.

Plan Successful Events

Whether planning your next chapter meeting, or organizing a social or fundraising event, we've got some ideas for you!

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